Tuesday, September 23, 2008


CCTV-1 is the primary channel of the Network in the People's Republic of China. It has a mixture of all kinds of TV programs, and is available to both cable and non-cable television viewers.

Generic schedule

Some of the programs in the following schedule have stayed relatively unchanged for over twenty years.

*12:00 PM: 新闻30分, ''Thirty-minute News'', basic news program.
*12:38 PM: 今日说法, ''Legal Report'', small documentary on various civil legal concerns and a specific case, followed by expert discussion.
*5:27 PM: 大风车, ''Big Windmill'', children's program, has cartoons.
*6:13 PM: 东方时空, ''Time for the East''.
*7:00 PM: 新闻联播, ''Xinwen Lianbo'', usually the most authoritative source of Party and Government news.
*7:30 PM: 天气预报, ''National Weather Forecast''.
*7:37 PM: 焦点访谈, ''Focus'', attempts to show dark areas of society.
*7:55 PM: Some kind of Chinese TV series.

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